Every year, when the board exams fever sets in, students get scared and parents get worried, scaring their children a little extra. But just like every other exam, it is also just an exam which when approached in the right way, can easily be cracked.
Get your timetables sorted
Time tables are always important when it comes to exams. Use tools such as convert PDF to Word print your exam dates along with timings and stick it to your table. Prepare a properly planned study plan for your study holidays and stick to them strictly.
Organise your study material
For each subject prepare a folder or file and organise all your notes and study material subject – wise and then chapter – wise. This will save you so much time when you are studying and also motivate you to study with focus. Number the pages and highlight the important topics along with the instructions given by your teacher.
Set up your table
Set your table with minimal distractions. Keep all the devices that could disturb you the further the possible. Get all your required stationery and have them sorted on your table. Don’t forget to get highlighters in different colours and keep them handy. A bottle of water on the table is a must along with some healthy snacks such as nuts and fruits.
Schedule Breaks
Board exams are times when students are prone to study for long hours. As much as studying for long hours is appreciated without regular breaks they will only be unproductive. Plan regular breaks and do different activities in each break. In one break, take a walk around your neighbourhood or within your room; in another break, take a nap; in another break, spend some time with your family.
Eat a well balanced diet
Try not to experiment with new cuisines and stick to safe foods. Eat a well balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts and water. You can even print out a food chart from the internet with the aid of a PDF editor and eat food accordingly.
Don’t memorise, learn
Don’t memorise the content of your lessons but rather try to understand the concept and learn that way. Read and reread the text until you understand it. Highlight important keywords, formulae and equations. Don’t try to study any new concept on the day before exam but rather stick to revising what you have already learnt. Try attempting previous years question papers so that you can feel the familiarity of the questions and also practise writing answers for exams.
At the end of the day, before you go to bed, reflect on what you did that day. Try to think about all the concepts you learnt that day and narrate it to yourself like a bedtime story and find out where you lacked that day and plan to rectify it the next day. If you have done a great job then appreciate yourself and treat yourself to your favourite chocolate or dessert.