There are many kinds of techniques that are used in which they use to absorb carbon dioxide. Many kinds of solutions can be used for this case. One of the solutions which can be used is 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP) and piperazine (PZ). Due to its sterically hindered feature, which affects the stability of the produced carbamate, AMP has a higher CO2 absorption capacity than MEA. AMP can absorb up to one mole of CO2 per mole of amine, whereas MEA can only absorb half of that amount. Assignment help The amount of energy required for regeneration is also reduced. AMP, on the other hand, has a low rate of CO2 absorption. PZ is introduced to AMP as a stimulator to speed up the chemical reaction rate and, as a result, the mass transfer rate. Because of the cyclic diamine structure, the reaction between CO2 and PZ is extremely quick, almost ten times faster than the reaction between CO2 and MEA. (Batteux & Godard, 2021) The rate of CO2 absorption into 8 M PZ is 1.5–3 times that of 7 M MEA, according to the study. When operating between 40 and 80 degrees Celsius, the AMP/PZ system has a 128 percent higher specific cycle capacity and nearly twice the CO2 partial pressure at 120 degrees Celsius than the MEA system. An aqueous combination of AMP + PZ solvents is used to capture CO2. The CO2 collection from a coal-fired power plant’s flue gas and parametric studies were simulated using the absorption regeneration process and the RadFrac-RateSep block in Aspen Plus. Moreover, there has yet to be a report on the modeling of a commercial-scale model and process adjustments for AMP + PZ.
As in a coal power plant, a lot of thermal power will be generated making it very efficient as this method can derive most of its power from useless energy that is lost to the environment in the process of power generation. Hence the main factor for the study is the reboiler which is the most important function of this study. Database system assignment help the heat from water vaporization, heat from CO2 desorption, etc. are some of the heat that is provided to the reboiler. Since the boiler gets heat from all of these various parts, any changes in the various sources of input of heat energy change the overall efficiency of the boiler making it a dependent factor. The various parameters which were chosen to be variable are CO2 amount of removal, the concentration of PZ, L/G ratio, stripper ratio. (Weiyu Zhang, 2017) The various base case parameters and processes are provided in the table below.
Table 7: Results from simulation for the baseline case
The packed CO2 capture system model is used to investigate the impact of operating conditions on reboiler duty. The flue flow rate and concentration remain constant in each case. The rate of CO2 removal is specified as a design criterion. As the reboiler energy input changes, the lean loading, which represents the degree of solvent regeneration, is calculated. After determining the lean loading, the solvent flow rate is varied to achieve the specified CO2 removal capacity. The various variables and their effect is discussed in detail.
Solvent Composition
To check the various components of the solutions which are best for the purpose, the amount of AMP and PZ in the amine composition was changed keeping the total concentration of the amine solution was kept constant at 45 wt%. Autocad homework help The various concentration of AMP was changed from 38 wt%, 33 wt% 28 wt%, and 23 wt% respectively while the concentration of 7 wt%, 12 wt%, 17 wt%, and 22 wt% respectively. The L/G ratio for all 4 cases was kept constant. (Wang, 2021)The various effect of the solvent composition is provided in the graph below.
Figure 5: PZ concentration vs Reboiler duty graph
Stripper pressure and its effect
The stripper pressure has many effects on the overall process. When the stripper pressure is changed from 0.8 to 3 atm, there is a wide variety of changes that takes place. The solvent type which has been chosen for this process was 0.28%wt of AMP + 0.17%wt of PZ. This is because it was the best solution for the carbon removal process. Also, the carbon removal pressure was to be set at a 90% rate. The results show that even if increasing the pressure increases the rate of removal and saves a little bit of energy, but the chances of rust at high temperature make it non-economical. (Chao Wang, 2021) The various results from the experiment are given below.
Figure 9: The relationship between stripper pressure, reboiler temp, and boilup ratio
Figure 10: The stripper pressure vs reboiler duty graph
since most of the energy requirement of the process is taken from the unwanted heat, it is economical. The test scenario was expanded and optimized to manage flue gas from a coal-fired power station with a capacity of 600 MWe. The database assignment help effects of CO2 removal rate, solvent composition, and stripper pressure on the energy required were next investigated using the full-scale model. Also, it depends on the amount of carbon dioxide produced in the process. It is safe to say that the best settings are only applicable for the use of this process in a 600 MW coal power plant.
Chao Wang, A. F. (2021, August 10). Packing characterization: Absorber economic analysis. Retrieved from sciencedirect:
Jacob Nygaard Knudsen, J. A. (2021, August 10). Results from test campaigns at the 1 t/h CO2 post-combustion capture pilot-plant in Esbjerg under the EU FP7 CESAR project . Retrieved from ieaghg:
Rochelle, G. T. (2009, September 25). Amine Scrubbing for CO2 Capture. Retrieved from sciencemag:
Wang, X. L. (2021, August 10). Optimal operation of MEA-based post-combustion carbon capture for natural gas combined cycle power plants under different market conditions. Retrieved from sciencedirect:
Weiyu Zhang, J. C. (2017, April 18). Modelling and process analysis of post-combustion carbon capture with the blend of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol and piperazine. Retrieved from