Videos are a great way to teach new employees how to do their jobs. They’re also easy to access and can be used in training and onboarding sessions.
Learning the job is faster through training videos for employees before actually doing it in real life. This is because they don’t have all of those FAQs upfront when doing something for the first time, like “How do I start this?” or “What should I do next?”. Following are the ways to seamlessly train employees as a part of the onboarding process.
The parts of the process they need to be familiar with.
You should be able to break down the process into a series of steps that are easy to understand and follow.
It’s also vital for the process to be easy to remember so that workers can replicate it without needing you there.
How to use the point-of-sale system.
A video can be used to demonstrate how to use the point-of-sale system. This is especially useful for employees who’ve never worked in such a role before since they won’t know what to expect regarding how you run your business. The first thing they will need to learn is how the POS system works and what it can do for them as employees and your business.
You may also want to include other aspects of training on video, such as:
- How items are priced (such as by type or price per pound)
- How to price special items
How to ensure proper documentation
The requirement for documentation is a common aspect of training in many industries, and it can be helpful for employees to know what documents are required and how they should be kept up to date. Documentation will help ensure that your business complies with government regulations and provide a reference for future actions or decisions.
Here are some essential things to keep in mind when creating and maintaining documentation:
- What types of documentation does your company require? What information needs to be recorded?
- How do you ensure that the right people are documenting the correct information?
- How frequently should this information be reviewed or updated?
- Do you store this data on paper or electronically, and how is it safeguarded from unauthorized access?
Safety guidelines, filing system and SOPs
- Safety is critical in the workplace. Employees must be aware of safety guidelines and regulations, as well as how to follow them correctly.
- Safety guidelines should be written down, incorporated in training videos for employees and shared with all employees during initial training to ensure they are familiar with the rules and regulations in place at your company.
- These guidelines should be reviewed regularly and updated if necessary, especially if any changes or additions have been made recently.
- You may also want to consider posting copies of the safety guidelines in places where employees can see them easily (e.g., near break rooms or bathrooms), so they’re always available when needed!
Familiarising with the premises.
Your employees might want to know where the break room and bathrooms are located. You can show them how to access these areas and what they should do if they need a cup of water at their desk or want to go outside for a break.
Videos can be very useful in helping trainees learn their jobs quickly. They are also helpful for managers who want to ensure that their employees are well-trained in the various aspects of the job. The best part about video training is that it can be used by anyone with access to a computer and internet connection.